Tuesday, July 20, 2010

the 5 finger shoe

Has anyone else came in contact with the Vibram Five Fingers? Last weekend at a poker party I found myself sitting between two 30 year-old men both sporting a pair of these odd shoes.

As I tried to write a description on these I figured it would be best to quote the website....

"The typical human foot is an anatomical marvel of evolution with 26 bones, 33 joints, 20 muscles, and hundreds of sensory receptors, tendons and ligaments. Like the rest of the body, to keep our feet healthy, they need to be stimulated and exercised.

That’s why we recommend wearing FiveFingers for exercise, play, and for fun. Stimulating the muscles in your feet and lower legs will not only make you stronger and healthier, it improves your balance, agility and proprioception."

Don't get me wrong I love being barefoot but am not quite sure I could ever sport these bad boys, could you?

(picture taken by iphone)